Get Funding for Training

With nationally recognised qualifications and foundation skills, these training programs from CSQ, Jetco and BERT help to stay in the workforce or enter into it. The Skilling Queenslanders for Work program offers funded training projects to assist unemployed individuals and those wishing to upgrade their skills to meet the demands of our future workforce. For employers, staff member training can be supported through short courses, small business program offers, and funding provided by the Australian Government. This allows your staff members to stay up-to-date and ensure they have the skills required for their job. With all these options available, there is sure to be a program that suits your needs.

Find out if you meet the BERT Training Fund (BTF) criteria or the Jetco Funding and apply for a training subsidy.

Apply for Training Funding

You can choose from one of the below funding opportunities to help reduce the cost of your training

CSQ Funding

CSQ-funded training
  • Construction Skills Queensland is an independent, not-for-profit, industryfunded body supporting employers, workers, apprentices, trainees and career seekers in the building and construction industry.
  • CSQ provides funding to reduce the financial obstacle to training, making upskilling an affordable option for many more individuals in the construction industry.
  • CSQ-funded training is delivered by a range of selected registered training organisations (RTOs) across Queensland.
  • CSQ contributes towards the cost of courses to reduce the cost to participants. CSQ funding is paid directly to the contracted RTO, generally between 75% and 95% of course costs.

Pricing Strategy and Specials
  • RIIWHS204E WORK SAFELY AT HEIGHTS from $70 ( if eligible for CSQ subsidy, CSQ FUND $225 )

  • RIIHAN301E Operate elevating work platform from $84 (if eligible for CSQ subsidy, CSQ fund $266)

  • RIIWHS202E ENTER AND WORK IN CONFINED SPACE from $77 ( if eligible for CSQ subsidy, CSQ FUND $300 )

  • RIIHAN309F CONDUCT TELESCOPIC MATERIAL HANDLER OPERATIONS from $151 ( if eligible for CSQ subsidy, CSQ FUND $540 )


Weekend Course Available For Experienced Operators
Combo Rates
  • WP Licence AND EWP Training FROM $251 ( if eligible for CSQ subsidy, CSQ FUND $794)

Jetco Funding

If you are an employee and your employer makes monthly contributions to CIRT and to the JETCO training fund on your behalf, you may be entitled to a subsidy for approved industry based training.

Download the Joint Electrical Training Council Brochure below or visit their website Jetco

BERT Funding Criteria

If you are a member of BERT and meet the BERT Training Fund (BTF) eligibility criteria, you can apply for a training subsidy. Please note no funds are deducted from your BERT account to cover the cost of your training. Your BERT account is only used as a reference to determine the amount of funding we will authorise.

Apply Online

You can apply online by visiting and selecting ‘Apply Here’ for Training Grants. Submit your application and if successful, you will receive written confirmation of your grant and the amount to be funded.

Get Written Confirmation

BTF recommends applicants wait until written confirmation has been received before committing to pay for a course. This is because reimbursement by BTF is only made after the training is completed and the following documentation is provided:

  • A copy of the paid invoice from the RTO that delivered the training
  • A copy of the training results (Statement of Attainment or Qualification)
  • A copy of your Separation Certificate (if applicable)
  • A copy of your bank statement displaying the name of the bank, the account name and the BSB and account numbers
Operate Elevating Work Platform


Call us on 07 3901 0804 or fill out the form below for further information.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Disclaimer: All information is kept secure and will not be shared or sold to any third party.