No matter how worthwhile it is, applying for a license to work in any profession can be a complicated and time-consuming process fraught with challenges. It is important to ensure that each step of the process is followed correctly and all requirements are met, otherwise, the application could be denied.
There are many common mistakes people make when applying for their licenses, which can result in costly delays and possible rejection. Whether you hope to gain your EWPA Yellow Card, White Card, Working at Heights or Traffic Controller license among others, you’ll need to make sure you’re applying properly.
In this article, we’ll explore some of the most common mistakes to avoid when applying for a license to work so you can avoid the pitfalls and secure your valuable license sooner.
Frequent Application Mistakes
Before you get overwhelmed by the paperwork, it can be helpful to note that those processing the applications just want to see that you have done your homework and answered some key questions. This is why you should take your time and work on avoiding these common problems.
Not Researching Your State’s Licensing Requirements
Did you know that not all states have the same requirements concerning licensing? The type of licence or licence class you need will depend on the state or territory in which you intend to work, as well as the specific task that you will be carrying out.
Just as your regular driver’s license cannot be used to drive a heavy vehicle separate high-risk work licences may be required for one role.
You must review the licensing requirements for the state in which you intend to work as you may need to have procured a different license before applying for another. Ensuring you are qualified to apply for one of these licenses is one of the most important steps you can take before delving into an application.
Not Submitting All Required Documents
This one may seem like a no-brainer, but all too frequently applicants forget to include an important document or simply leave it out. If you do not meet the barest criteria for application such as providing the required paperwork, you can expect an instant rejection.
Even if you do not understand why a certain document needs to be submitted, you must give all the required paperwork. There is strict legislation regarding the processing of high-risk work licenses so all conditions must be met. If you cannot access a required piece of paperwork, you’ll need to resolve this and source it before making your final application submission.
Failing To Renew Your License On Time
One of the most frustrating things many applicants face is the failure to renew their existing licenses on time. The EWPA Yellow Card for instance has a 5-year expiry after which you will have 6 months to renew it online.
Should you not renew this license in the time frame given, you will be required to begin the process of obtaining a Yellow Card all over again from the beginning which involves face-to-face training. To avoid spending unnecessary time on additional training, be sure to renew your licences within the given time frame.
Not Taking The Exams Or Additional Training Seriously
If you have been directed to undertake an exam or complete additional training as part of your license application, you need to treat this with proper dedication. There is little point to attend or pay for training only to not pay attention or bother doing the exam properly.
Every part of training, including exams, is designed to ensure you are properly trained for the license in question. It is the assessor and applicant processing teams’ duty to make sure you are more than capable of performing a high-risk job safely for both your benefit and that of those working with you.
Displaying a poor attitude to training or not properly preparing for exams is a surefire way to see your application rejected. Practical training in the required skills is a given for many high-risk licenses so be prepared to do the work.
Standing By Outdated Qualifications
Just as your application requires all requested paperwork to be included, if prior training or licensing is required for the class of license you are applying for, you need to make sure it’s current.
Outdated training that has been superseded by new legislative guidelines, methods or practices will not stand you in good stead when it comes to adding to your skills. Workplace safety relies on your being consistent with your understanding of current practices and an unwillingness to update your qualifications could see you place yourself or others in danger.
If you feel one of your qualifications is outdated or you could use a refresher, some courses include this as part of their training.
How Sheer Workplace Training Can Help
Applying for a license to work can be an intimidating process and it should not be taken lightly. Securing licenses in these high-risk fields is difficult for a reason! It’s to ensure that license holders genuinely understand the work at hand and how to do these jobs safely.
That’s not to say it’s an impossible task however, and following all of the steps correctly and submitting all of the necessary documents will ensure your application is successful and your license remains valid.
Taking the time to research your state’s licensing requirements, preparing for the exams, and renewing your license on time are all essential components of obtaining a license to work.
Should you need advice or guidance on securing your high-risk licensing, Sheer Workplace Training is here to help. We offer premier training from highly skilled instructors and can help you with any questions or concerns you may have about applying for a license to work in Australia.
Keep your skills and licensing up to date so you can return home safely at the end of every work day, Contact Sheer Workplace Training today to learn more at 07 3901 0804.
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